Content: 60 vegan capsules
1-month supply
PZN: 14178724
- 100% plant-based natural pharmaceutical grade immune complex
- Vitamin C and zinc support the immune system and protect the cells from oxidative stress
- Improved absorption through original plant matrix
- Natural and vegan from organic oyster mushrooms, organic guava leaves and organic amla berries

- 100% plant-based natural pharmaceutical grade immune complex
- Vitamin C and zinc support the immune system and protect the cells from oxidative stress
- Improved absorption through original plant matrix
- Natural and vegan from organic oyster mushrooms, organic guava leaves and organic amla berries

Content: 60 vegan capsules
1-month supply
PZN: 14017458

Best organic quality


Made in Germany

Gluten free

Lactose free


Best organic quality


Made in Germany

Gluten free

Lactose free

Your immune system protector from nature

Your immune system protector from nature

Available online or in your pharmacy

Available online or in your pharmacy
The natural immune-defense
For our strong everyday heroes
The natural immune-defense
For our strong everyday heroes
Beta Glucan: 120 mg per capsule
Vitamin C: 100 mg per capsule = 125% of NRV
Zinc: 8 mg per capsule = 90% of NRV
Organic Amla Berry extract, organic guavenleaf extract,
Organic oyster mushroom extract, organic rice flour
Capsule: Cellulose (vegan)
Organic Amla Berries: South India
Organic guava leaf: South India
Organic oyster mushrooms: Norway
Organic rice flour: Southern Italy
Germany in pharmaceutical-grade quality
2 capsules daily
Why Phytholistic ® Immune?
Our Phytholistic Immun Complex supports your defenses and immune system in a purely natural way. The innovative immune all-rounder combines defence-enhancing vitamins and minerals, and it is also based on natural extracts of organically grown amla berries, guava leaves and oyster mushrooms. For our Phytholistic Immune, we use only the world’s purest beta-glucan, Betox 93 and consistently avoidsynthathic fillers and additives.
Beta Glucan: 120 mg per capsule
Vitamin C: 100 mg per capsule = 125% of NRV
Zinc: 8 mg per capsule = 90% of NRV
Organic Amla Berry extract, organic guavenleaf extract,
Organic oyster mushroom extract, organic rice flour
Capsule: Cellulose (vegan)
Organic Amla Berries: South India
Organic Guava Leaf: South India
Organic Oyster Mushrooms: Norway
Organic Rice Flour: Southern Italy
Germany in pharmaceutical-grade quality
2 capsules daily
Why Phytholistic ® Immune?
Our Phytholistic Immun Complex supports your defenses and immune system in a purely natural way. The innovative immune all-rounder combines defence-enhancing vitamins and minerals, and it is also based on natural extracts of organically grown amla berries, guava leaves and oyster mushrooms. For our Phytholistic Immune, we use only the world’s purest beta-glucan, Betox 93 and consistently avoidsynthathic fillers and additives.
Phytholistic® Immune …
…contributes to a regular function of the Immune systems
… helps protect the cells from oxidative stress*
*one of the main causes of illness and aging
… supports regular collagen generation for a healthy skin
Zinc has a role in healthy cell division, and helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails
Phytholistic® Immune …
…contributes to a regular function of the Immune systems
… helps protect the cells from oxidative stress*
*one of the main causes of illness and aging
… supports regular collagen generation for a healthy skin
Zinc has a role in healthy cell division, and helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails
The organic amla berries
Die erfrischende, hellgrüne Amlabeere wird seit Jahrhunderten in Indien kultiviert und in hinduistischen Bräuchen verehrt. According to legend, the berry is the favourite fruit of the god Vishnu. Today, the Phyllantus Emblica fruit, with its very high vitamin C content, is attracting international attention. Now it has finally found its way to Europe as a high-quality extract.
Organic guava leafs
The vitamin-rich guava leaf contains a wealth of health-related ingredients that have a positive effect on our health and our immune system. Highly concentrated and in best organic quality, these herbal ingredients are found in our Phytholistic Immune Complex – for real health benefits.
strengthen from within
Organic oyster mushrooms
Originally come oyster mushroom from Southeast Asia, where they grow wild on tree trunks and rotten wood in autumn and winter to the first night frost. The good: the super mushroom is particularly low in calories and fat free and strengthens on top our immune system, because studies have shown that oyster mushrooms have an immunomodulatory effect.
The Amla Berry
The refreshing, light green Amla berry has been cultivated for centuries in India and worshipped in Hindu practices. According to legend, the berry is the favourite fruit of the god Vishnu. Today, the Phyllantus Emblica fruit, with its very high vitamin C content, is attracting international attention. Now it has finally found its way to Europe as a high-quality extract.
Organic guava leafs
The leaves of the guava tree (Psidium guajava) are particularly nutritious and rich in vitamins. The leaves of the guava tree (Psidium guajava) are particularly nutritious and rich in vitamins. Guava leaves are the world’s only certified organic zinc source.
strengthen from within
Organic oyster mushrooms
Originally oyster mushrooms come from Southeast Asia, where they grow wild on tree trunks and rotten wood in autumn and winter to the first night frost. The good: The super mushroom is particularly low in calories and fat free and strengthens on top our immune system, because studies have shown that oyster mushrooms have an immunomodulatory effect.
Complementary Supplements
Complementary Supplements

Phythmolistic IMMUN is unique in its composition in the market and offers only herbal and holistic vitamins and minerals from 100% pure organic raw materials. Contrary to other chemically synthesized preparations, we only use natural nutrient complexes in their original form for our Phytholistic IMMUN and consistently refrain from artificial vitamin and mineral imitations. Thus, the Phytholistic IMMUN provides the best tolerability and bioavailability for the body.

Phythmolistic IMMUN is unique in its composition in the market and offers only herbal and holistic vitamins and minerals from 100% pure organic raw materials. Contrary to other chemically synthesized preparations, we only use natural nutrient complexes in their original form for our Phytholistic IMMUN and consistently refrain from artificial vitamin and mineral imitations. Thus, the Phytholistic IMMUN provides the best tolerability and bioavailability for the body.
Any questions? We’ve got answers!
Any questions? We’ve got answers!
Questions about taking Phytholistic® IMMUNE
Questions about taking Phytholistic® IMMUNE
How and at what time of day should I take Phytholistic® Immune?
Ideally, Phytholistic Immun is taken in the morning before the first meal with ample liquid.
Is lasting use of Phytholistic® Immune recommended?
The intake of Phytholistic Immune is especially suitable for people with a weakened immune system as a temporary cure, but also for general strengthening of the immune system. Long-term use should be discussed with the doctor.
For whom is the intake of Phytholistic® Immun suitable?
The use of Phytholistic Immun is generally considered to be safe and is especially suitable for maintaining a regular functioning of the immune system. Nevertheless, to be safe, pregnant women and children under the age of 12 should refrain from taking it.
Can Phytholistic® Immune also be taken by children?
Taking Phytholistic Immun by children should be discussed with your doctor first.
Questions about ingredients
Questions about ingredients
Is Phytholistic® Immune also suitable for lactose or gluten intolerance?
Phytholistic immune is guaranteed lactose- and gluten-free.
Is Phytholistic® Immune Vegetarian or Vegan?
Yes. Yes. The capsule is made of cellulose. It is therefore both vegetarian and vegan.
Are other additives used in Phytholistic® Immune?
Phytholistic Immune is certified organic and consistently free from artificial additives and additives. For technical reasons, Phytholistic Immun contains organic rice flour as a filler.
How long is Phytholistic® immune stable and how should I store it?
Phytholistic immune is stable for 24 months. For the exact date, please look at the carton box. Please store the glass with the Phytholistic Immun Capsules cool, dry and protected from light.
Are There Side Effects Of Phytholistic® Immune?
If you follow the recommended dosage, you should not expect any side effects from Phytholistic Immun.
Can I supplement Phytholistic® Immune with other products meaningfully?
Amongst others, Phytholistic Immun can be combined with Phytholistic Gingerin and Phytholistic Selenium.
I want to know more about the immune complex
I want to know more about the immune complex
Alles Wissenswerte über Immun
Damit unser Körper optimal funktioniert benötigt er nicht nur Brennstoffe wie die Makronährstoffe Kohlenhydrate, Proteine und Fette, sondern auch eine Vielzahl an Vitalstoffen. Neben allgemein bekannten Vitalstoffen wie Vitamin C, Magnesium oder Eisen gehen nicht minder wichtige Spurenelemente wie beispielsweise Selen in der Wahrnehmung unter. Was aber ist Selen? Warum ist es für den Organismus so wichtig? Und was passiert bei einem Selenmangel?
Der essentielle Mikronährstoff Selen zählt zur Gruppe der Spurenelemente und kommt sowohl im Boden als auch im Wasser vor. Da der menschliche Organismus das metallähnliche Spurenelement freilich nicht selbst herstellen kann, muss es über die tägliche Ernährung aufgenommen werden. Nur wenn der Bedarf dauerhaft gedeckt ist, kann der Organismus optimal funktionieren. Wie wichtig Selen ist, zeigt sich anhand der Tatsache, dass der Stoff in nahezu jeder Zelle des Organismus vorhanden ist.
Alleine in der Skelettmuskulatur stecken rund 26 bis 46 Prozent des gespeicherten Selens. Weitere Organe bzw. Gewebe mit hoher Selenkonzentration sind Herz, Leber, Nieren, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Augen, Hoden, Gehirn und Milz. Auch Thrombozyten und rote Blutkörperchen enthalten signifikante Mengen.
Da Selen ein wichtiger Bestandteil von Enzymen ist, übernimmt es viele unterschiedliche Funktionen im Körper. Zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben zählt sicherlich die Unterstützung des Immunsystems. Studien belegen außerdem eine antioxidative Wirkung, insbesondere im wichtigen Glutathion, dank derer Selen Zellen vor oxidativem Stress schützt. Selen ist beispielsweise auch wichtig, um die Schilddrüse vor Entzündungen zu bewahren.[1][2] Darüber hinaus ist Selen selbst auch für das normale Funktionieren der Schilddrüse sowie der Schilddrüsenhormone mitverantwortlich. Im Organismus fungiert das Spurenelement in seiner Rolle als Co-Faktor als Aktivator bzw. Deaktivator für die Synthese von Schilddrüsenhormonen, die wiederum einen großen Einfluss auf zahlreiche Stoffwechselprozesse haben.
Gemäß den Health Claims der Europäischen Union trägt eine ausreichende Versorgung mit Selen damit nicht nur zur normalen Schilddrüsenfunktion bei, sondern auch zur Erhaltung normaler und gesunder Nägel und Haare. Interessant ist auch der Einfluss auf die Spermienproduktion bzw. Spermienqualität und damit die Fruchtbarkeit von Männern. Hinzu kommen weitere potentielle Wirkungsweisen von Selen, die aktuell allerdings nicht studientechnisch eindeutig belegt sind.
Wie wird Selen vom Körper aufgenommen?
Unter dem Strich nimmt der Mensch einen Großteil des benötigten Selens über seine Nahrung auf. Es liegt in Boden und Wasser als anorganische Formen vor, s.g. Selenit, Selenid und Selenat. Diese Formen werden von Pflanzen aufgenommen und organisch an Aminosäuren gebunden, vornehmlich Cystein und Methionin. Werden diese Pflanzen wiederum von Pflanzenfressern verzehrt, reichert sich an diesem Punkt der Nahrungskette eine deutlich größere Selenkonzentration an. Bei einigen Pflanzen bestätigt die Ausnahme allerdings die Regel. Demnach existiert Selen in der Nahrung, die wir verzehren, i.d.R. organisch gebunden. Über die Nahrung gelangt das Spurenelement schließlich via Zwölffingerdarm und Leerdarm in den Blutkreislauf.